2025年3月18日,佰维存储披露接待调研公告,公司于3月4日接待国寿养老、华泰证券、亿能投资、前海方舟、荣炜基金等23家机构调研。 公告显示,佰维存储参与本次接待的人员共2人,为公司管理层,董办工作人员。调研接待地点为佰维存储三楼会议室,佰维存储惠州封测制造中心二楼会议室。
You don’t need much – the most exotic tool is a BGA rework station, holding the mainboard steady&stiff and heating a specific large chip on the board with an infrared lamp from above.
BGA and Providence Christian will face off in the TSSAA basketball state championship. It'll be the fifth time the two teams have played this season. BGA's only win against PCA this season came Jan.
因此外层板面上可放置一些焊垫(如mini-BGA或CSP之小型球焊)以承接较多的零件,可增加电路板的密度。同时HDI板的孔径及(hole pad )更小,也能起到节省空间,增加布线密度的作用。目前许多高功能的手机板,便是使用此种新式布线法。 2、轻、薄、短、小 ...
These headers dictate which sites your site is allowed to contact. This package makes it easy for you to set the right headers. This readme does not aim to fully explain all the possible usages of CSP ...
根据披露的机构调研信息2025年3月13日,淳厚基金对上市公司 深南电路 进行了调研。基金市场数据显示,淳厚基金成立于2018年11月3日。截至目前,其管理资产规模为231.06亿元,管理基金数21个,旗下基金经理共10位。旗下最近一年表现最佳的基金产品为淳厚现代服务业A(011349),近一年收益录得28.29%。附调研内容: 交流主要内容:介绍公司2024年度经营业绩情况、问答交流。 一、 ...
Indium Corporation®, a leading materials provider for the electronics assembly market, will feature its high-reliability solder solutions at IPC APEX EXPO 2025, taking place March 18-20 in Anaheim, ...