A baboon at ZooTampa has been given a clean bill of health after receiving oral surgery last summer from doctors who normally ...
These friendships often lasted for life, and scientists say they show how male primates can use kindness and affection to socially succeed.
In a groundbreaking medical collaboration, a team of veterinary specialists and human dental experts at ZooTampa at Lowry ...
They embrace our high-energy, low-effort foods, from orchards, fields, rubbish bins and dumps, picnics and kitchens—in a (very) few cases, wounding people and domestic animals. Some baboons lose ...
Sandra Swart researches animal and human history, often with a focus on baboons. She told us the fascinating and cruel history of these encounters in South Africa. A baboon sits by the roadside in ...
A man in Cape Town helped baboons cross a road safely. South Africans were touched by the video of the troop of baboons using ...
A man using a baboon patrol flag to help baboons cross the road in Simon's Town, Western Cape, has many people in stitches.
Sandra Swart researches animal and human history, often with a focus on baboons. She told us the fascinating and cruel history of these encounters in South Africa. People are far more ...
Female Guinea baboons prefer skilled males for immediate benefits, revealing insights into primate social behavior and evolution.
Scientific Reports 7:15057. Fehlmann, G., M. J. O’Riain, and A. J. King. 2017b. Adaptive space use by baboons (Papio ursinus) in response to management interven­tions in a human-changed landscape.
Many animals, including humans, avoid mating with close relatives. Yet it’s not always clear how they distinguish kin from nonrelatives. A study published last month (February 24) in Current Biology ...