The police announced the details of the operation on X (formerly Twitter), stating, “An EGPD team from Basistha PS rescued one gecko lizard after a raid at Seuj Nagar in Beharbari. One Kaju Ray ...
Perhaps you’ve noticed a small lizard darting across the garden or slipping into a cozy corner indoors. While their presence may provoke fear or curiosity, lizards hold a fascinating place in ...
Last week a local family in north Leitrim discovered a lizard in their home, which they believe is a baby. Martina McGovern said: "We found it in the bedroom. When we saw it, the first thing we ...
Gecko Robotics develops AI-driven maintenance solutions, attracting industries like mining and energy. The global robotics market is expected to grow rapidly, reaching $178.6 billion by 2030 ...
It's believed the lizard was introduced to the Top End city about 25 years ago from its native habitat in the far north-east of Australia. Darwin locals are encouraged to participate in "citizen ...