Over the years, through projects such as the Green School and homes at the Green Village, bamboo has become an increasingly popular material in Bali, Indonesia. While design firms in Bali such as ...
Shareholders of the privately held Bamboo will also be eligible for potential milestone payments of up to $495 million if the company’s product candidates achieve development, regulatory approval and ...
But what does this have to do with bamboo? Men removing the dead from an infected area of Hong Kong. Many bamboo plants exhibit mass flowering at intervals of up to 130 years depending on the species.
In this remarkable video from researchers at the Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI) in Australia, beating heart cells that have been developed from stem cells are shown up close.
Davia meets with TeNeasha “Verne” Boykin at Pure Beauty Room to view a demonstration of the bamboo massage offered at Beautiful Hands Spa, and learns about it’s deep tissue benefits.