Tiger sharks are typically thought to inhabit in the Caribbean seas and Pacific islands, but they are clearly lurking off the ...
E. Perceval Wright's interesting article on the basking shark, Selache maxima (NATURE, vol. xiv. p. 313), which I read with much pleasure, and on which I would beg to offer a few observations ...
One of those sharks unfortunately washed up dead on a Cape beach earlier this week, as researchers responded to Wellfleet Harbor and took samples from the massive 6,000-pound basking shark.
Just hours after attaching a tracking device to a rare basking shark off Ireland’s coast in April, scientists recorded what they believe to be the first video of a large marine creature —or any shark— ...
The tiny-spotted catshark is a small shark species with dark streaks and patches covering its skin. The tiny catshark has a small mouth, huge cat-like eyes ... they can become aggressive and attack ...
It swims with its mouth open to strain plankton, fish eggs, and small fish from the water. Weighing up to seven tons, basking sharks are known for their calm demeanour ... far from human contact.
THE world’s second largest shark species made a welcome return to the waters around Achill Island last week, with up to 60 basking sharks reported to have paid a visit. There has been a large number ...
One of those sharks unfortunately washed up dead on a Cape Cod beach earlier this week, as researchers responded to Wellfleet Harbor and took samples from the massive 6,000-pound basking shark.