Urban bats give birth 2.5 weeks earlier due to warmer temperatures, better food availability, and city conditions.
And still more eat insects — a common brown bat can consume a thousand mosquitos an hour! You definitely want those around ...
A central Queensland ghost bat colony is under threat from cave trespassers who are putting pressure on an already shrinking ...
Human babies are not the only babblers, said a study published Thursday. Some bats are also very talkative in their infancy and even make sounds that recall the googoo-gagas of our own tots.
This short animation gives an overview of the fruit bat. This material relates to a paper that appeared in the 27 March 2015, issue of Science, published by AAAS. The paper, by Y. Prat at Tel Aviv ...
Despite their body shape, fruit bats cannot instinctively fly and must be taught to fly by their parents as babies. Orphaned fruits bats who are not taught these skills will never be able to fly.