玩出梦想科技作为目前为数不多,仍在坚持的 VR/MR 新玩家,2024 年破天荒地发布了足以对标 Vision Pro 的单眼 4K 消费级 MR 硬件——玩出梦想MR。
If you're in the market for a new VR headset, the HTC VIVE XR Elite is 27% off at HTC's store. We rate it as one of the best VR headsets and we think this is a VR headset deal worth considering.
This player offers the best combination of 4K Blu-ray quality, DVD upscaling, and CD audio quality for the price. The user interface is a bit clunky, though. This player strips some of the fancier ...
Each month The A.V. Club does our part to keep you up to date on the best of what’s coming out on Blu-ray and 4K UHD, which is especially important as streaming services become less and less ...