In pet stores, the popular fish are often kept in small tanks or plastic bags, giving them insufficient space. Read more at
They thrive on a diet of bloodworms, mosquito larvae, and brine shrimp. Once a betta fry reaches 2.5 to 3 months old, it is separated into individual jars to ensure optimal development. After another ...
The study "Life beyond a jar: Effects of tank size and furnishings on the behaviour and welfare of Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens)" appears in Animal Welfare. Life beyond a jar ...
The paper titled "Life beyond a jar: Effects of tank size and furnishings on the behavior and welfare of Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens)," challenges long-held practices in the ornamental ...
More information: Naomi Clark-Shen et al, Life beyond a jar: Effects of tank size and furnishings on the behaviour and welfare of Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens), Animal Welfare (2024 ...
"Current guidelines for appropriate tank size for Betta fish are vague and more concerned ... during observation periods compared to those in jars. They also displayed more natural behaviours ...
Betta fish prefer live food but can also eat dried foods. You will want to get the best food you can afford. These include daphnias, mosquito wrigglers, fairy shrimp and bloodworms. A half an ounce ...
"Current guidelines for appropriate tank size for Betta fish are vague and more concerned with water quality than other fish welfare concerns," says Australian-based lead author Professor Culum Brown, ...
The two surviving jars on her shelf are enough ... A dog. And Mr. Bubbles, a betta fish. The animals are not just their companions, but also the core of their mobile petting zoo business Fable.