IT之家 12 月 19 日消息,Bing 官方博客昨日(12 月 18 日)发布博文,宣布 Bing Image Creator 迎来重大更新,带来更快速、高质量的图像生成体验,并简化了创作流程,让用户随时随地都能轻松创作。
更引人注目的是,未来Windows搜索还将集成AI技术,当用户使用描述性词语进行搜索时,系统将借助语义索引技术理解并调整搜索结果。这种AI驱动的搜索方式将有效提升搜索的精准度,增强用户与系统之间的交互效果。与传统搜索索引相比,语义索引在理解和记忆内容 ...
微软近期在其Bing搜索引擎上推出了Bing Image Creator的重磅升级,目标是为用户带来更加迅捷、高效和优质的图像生成体验。这一系列更新的最大看点无疑是新的DALL-E 3 PR16模型,它实现了图像生成速度的飞跃提升,提升幅度达到近一倍!与此同时,生成的图像质量也得到了显着优化,让用户的创作作品愈发生动和逼真。这一技术革命无疑点燃了用户的创作激情。
微软旗下的Bing搜索引擎近日宣布对其图像创作工具Bing Image Creator进行了重大更新,旨在为用户提供更加高效、便捷且高质量的图像生成体验。 此次更新的一大亮点在于Bing Image Creator采用了全新的DALL-E 3 ...
Microsoft's Bing search engine has Copilot AI features built into it. Copilot, integrated into Bing, can perform tasks like writing poems and making reservations. Here's how to use the AI service in ...
微软周三(7/24)宣布,已针对一小部分的Bing搜索用户提供AI生成结果,让Bing得以针对用户的查询量身打造动态式的回应。 该 ...
Rapid advances in applying artificial intelligence to simulations in physics and chemistry have some people questioning whether we will even need quantum computers at all. Vertical farms ...
In terms of data privacy, Mercedes-Benz states that all voice data is anonymized and processed within the secure ...
Microsoft first unveiled a revamped, AI-powered version of its search engine, Bing, last year. The new Bing, which promised to be "more powerful than ChatGPT," runs on Microsoft's own next ...