Environmental problems such as climate change, global warming, deforestation, extinction of species, water shortage etc… due to explosion of human population are becoming increasingly severe worldwide ...
The Brazilian refinery has now become the first refinery in the country to produce fuels with cellulosic content.
The recent test represents a significant breakthrough for global biorefining, as it could enable wood and other agroforestry ...
Petrobras (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) and Riograndense Refinery (RPR) successfully completed an industrial scale co-processing test using 5% pyrolysis ...
Stagnating palm-oil production and a biodiesel push in Indonesia could keep the price of cooking oil high for years.
One of the goals for Green Science Alliance Co. Ltd. is to replace all petroleum-based chemicals with plant biomass-based alternatives. For example, it has developed plant biomass-based tableware, ...
Biodesel and renewable diesel promise to completely change how we approach diesel fuel and engines with more sustainable fuel ...
Petrobras and Riograndense Refinery (RPR) have successfully completed an industrial scale co-processing test using 5% pyrolysis bio-oil (a non-food biomass raw material) combined with fossil feedstock ...
PALMOILMAGAZINE, JAKARTA – Initially, palm oil was primarily used for cooking oil (food consumption). However, today it can be processed into numerous ...