the Rainbow Lorikeet sports a kaleidoscope of colors with its bright blue head, green wings, and orange belly. This bird is found in Australia The Resplendent Quetzal, native to Central America ...
The male common pheasant has a green head and a red wattle – a fleshy structure hanging from the face ... Common kingfishers, Alcedo atthis, live across much of England, Ireland and Wales, but these ...
The male Brewer’s is more strongly glossy, showing blue on head and green ... abrupt break in color from the head iridescence to that of the body. Breeding Bird Survey has detected a general ...
Most are distinguished by striking colors and bright plumage of yellow, blue, scarlet, and green. These colors distinguish them as some of the world's most dramatic and attractive birds.
Sometimes, the bright blue sky is a photographer’s worst nightmare ... I must have taken 50 photos before everything came together. The bird lifted its head, paused for an instant, and refrained from ...