It was the London nightclub where, for 18 giddy months four-and-a ... And on whose dancefloor the pop stars of tomorrow posed, plotted, preened and performed. This was The Blitz Club, a short-lived ...
We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we ...
London's Blitz Shelter Tunnels to Become a New Tourist Attraction LONDON (Reuters) - Tunnels built to shelter Londoners during World War Two bombing by Germany are set to be transformed into the ...
The Blitz was Nazi Germany's sustained aerial bombing ... (Getty Images) Firemen who fought the Second Great Fire of London recall fighting the fires until New Year 1941, in a film by J.B. Priestley.
Blitz was the London nightclub where, for 18 giddy months four-and-a-half ... And on whose dancefloor the pop stars of tomorrow posed, plotted, preened and performed. This was the Blitz club, a ...
By 1942, when the purpose-built tunnels were finished, the Blitz had ceased so they were never used for shelter. "It's real. It's emotional," said Angus Murray, chief executive of The London ...
By 1942, when the purpose-built tunnels were finished, the Blitz had ceased so they were never used for shelter. "It's real. It's emotional," said Angus Murray, chief executive of The London Tunnels, ...