Wildlife sound recordist and nature watcher Arjun Dutta eagerly awaits the first sight of a wheatear in late winter. Wheatears charismatic members of the chat family known for their jaunty behaviour ...
The cassowary looks like a relic from another geologic era – it’s as tall as a person, has glossy black feathers and piercing ...
The Golden Globes will no longer pay a $75,000 salary to its legacy voting members, Deadline confirmed Friday. The decision ...
A suspected case of avian flu is under investigation at a commercial poultry premises in County Tyrone. Almost 16,000 birds ...
A cull of birds is to be carried out in an area of Herefordshire following the confirmation of avian influenza. A 3km (1.8 ...
Gardeners are being urged to sprinkle coffee on their bird tables in order to banish an unwanted invader. Grey squirrels ...
With spring just around the corner, it's important to make sure your feeders are stocked with the right food to help the ...
From high-profile affairs hosted by Elton John and Madonna to luxe fashion soirees presented by Chanel and Giorgio Armani, ...
Researchers are seeking help from British gardeners after revealing an alarming drop in blackbird populations around London.
Apart from wild turkey, bobwhite quail were Charlie Elliott's other true love. Here's his take on the little game bird.
The team also discovered more dead offspring or unhatched eggs in nests containing a higher number or a higher concentration ...
In recent years state officials have joined the pesticide industry in rejecting proposals to restrict the use of rat poison ...