Resists heat and drought. It prefers pH between 5.8 and 6.5. Smooth brome is a long-lived, cool season perennial. Forms an extensive sod by rhizomes. It is moderate to easy to establish, but spreads ...
It prefers sandy soils and dunes. Great brome has relatively short-lived seed and emerges in autumn. Meadow brome is a lowland plant of Southern England, growing especially on cultivated land and in ...
Yield loss: It is highly competitive. 3 plants/m 2 can cause 2.4% yield loss in winter wheat. This annual tufted grass grows to 100 cm in height and is most abundant of the UK brome weed species. The ...
The leaves of Butcher's broom were formerly used to decorate meat, the young shoots are eaten and a decoction of the cladodes used in medicine Ruscus latifolius, fructu folio innascente. T.79. Ital.
Two graduate students in Montana State University’s College of Agriculture have published new research on two aspects of management for one of the region’s most ...
Witches' broom is caused by a rust fungus that infects both blueberry bushes and fir trees. This disease causes clusters of small branches known as witches' brooms to form at the base of the plant.
MANHATTAN — White grubs, identifiable by their ivory white bodies and brown heads, feed on the root systems of brome fields causing plant loss, said K-State entomologist, Anthony Zukoff ...
“It spreads rapidly, forms dense thickets, crowds out native plants, prevents forest regrowth, highly flammable, toxic to grazing animals and wildlife, takes over farms, clears forest and parkland and ...