Of all the bugs New Zealanders could have selected to win an international competition, they chose neither the prettiest, nor the most useful. The NZ velvet worm won this year’s New Zealand Bug ...
It’s a staple of spy thriller movies, that the protagonist has some kind of electronic scanner with which he theatrically searches his hotel room to reveal the bad guys’ attempt to bug him.
The new version has been plagued by bugs that could prevent you from using Windows reliably and effectively. Microsoft has documented many of the glitches, and Windows users have reported a lot more.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 players discover deathly new bug on Subsonic. Players are instantly dying when going prone at a precise location on the map. Treyarch Studios has yet to comment on the ...
The New Zealand velvet worm or ngāokeoke has been crowned bug of the year for 2025. The ancient gummy-looking worm, covered in velvety blue colouration and orange spots, is estimated to have been ...
Don’t let its name deceive you: The dead bug exercise is actually a really stellar strength move—and one, we’re happy to inform you, that has nothing to do with, um, expired cockroaches or ...
But did you know it awards a “Bug of the Year” too? And this year’s champion is an ancient and surprisingly savage killer. The winner in question is the New Zealand velvet worm (Peripatoides ...