There have been a lot of iconic Spider-Man cartoon intros over the years, but how do they stack up against each other?
There are several iconic Spidey villains hinted at in Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. These are the ones we'd love to ...
A man with a chainsaw suffers a moment right out of a cartoon on top of a frozen lake in Derezivka, Ukraine on February 16, ...
Wow! We received 769 entries in this week’s Carnival Cartoon Caption Contest. I had a feeling y’all would crush this one and ...
Ross Macdonald’s “The Underground Man” is exquisitely attuned to the Californian landscape—how it rises, falls, smells, and, ...
Malaysians were overjoyed when Astro Shaw announced plans to create a live-action movie for the beloved 90s cartoon “Keluang ...
If you are a fan of the iconic cartoon cat Garfield, then we have your very own version: BIG MAN! Take a look at Big Man's ...
Unrighteous dominion, climate denialism, Moscow’s man in Washington, Medicaid in the crosshairs, scofflaws on the Hill ...
Steve Nease cartoon for Jan. 22, 2025.
No one has ever told Keir Starmer he has a “beautiful accent” before.
Cartoon characters have long captivated our imaginations and entertained us with their hilarious antics and memorable ...
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