It’s spectacularly dangerous, but might former land speed record-holder Richard Noble’s latest venture revolutionise how we ...
The specimens had three types of residual stress as follows: a low stress value with a large grain (by Annealing), an equibiaxial compressive residual stress (by Cavitating jet in air) and an ...
近日,哈工程船舶学院流固耦合力学研究团队与德国马格德堡大学、中国科学技术大学合作的最新研究成果《空化涡环驱动的自由液面射流》(Free ...
The piston and chamber design begins the process of ramping up the damping of the last 10mm of stroke in the Storia V4.
Adult-onset leukodystrophies and genetic leukoencephalopathies comprise a diverse group of neurodegenerative disorders of white matter with a wide age of onset and phenotypic spectrum. Patients with ...
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