The domestication and trade of pet cats began about 10,000 years ago in modern-day Turkey when Anatolians tamed Near Eastern ...
Researchers conclude that Adélie penguins took over the Antarctic habits of seals when sea ice started to expand around 1,400 ...
Ray Dalio's Great Powers Index 2024 ranks the US as the top superpower, highlights China's rise, and India's rapid economic ...
N ew research suggests that domestic cats first appeared in China around 600 CE, likely arriving via the Silk Road trade ...
This AI agent is making waves for its ability to work independently on multiple tasks, from research and coding to planning ...
Imagine fighter aircraft battling over contested skies, where split-second decisions aren’t made by a human pilot, but by an ...
Sediment samples from the Ross Sea coastline are revealing insights into how animals like elephant seals and Adélie penguins ...
With the 14th Five-Year Plan nearing its denouement, the focus sharpens on transmuting systemic advantages into governance ...
China's first pet cats arrived in the country sometime around the year 600 AD, and it seems they arrived via the famous Silk Road trade route that connected Europe and western Asia with China and all ...
桃园一名男子阿德(化名)与女子小美(化名)发生关系后,小美未婚怀孕产下一女,并指称该阿德为生父。小美多次要求阿德认领,惟阿德始终不愿承认,甚至声称自己经济拮据,无力扶养。小美愤而提告,案件经法院审理后,法官根据DNA检测报告,判定阿德确为女童生父,依 ...