In a modern city, ancient mythical beings coexist with humans. Mikaela, a seraph, Hades, the ruler of hell, and Poseidon, the sea god, navigate this world where "mythical beings" must be eliminated by ...
This is because China is the home of the largest movie and drama production houses in the entire world. These Chinese movies are available in popular genres including action, drama, horror, war, ...
The Monkey King is Netflix’s big animated movie of the season, and it takes a very famous Chinese novel and adds new life to it. Jimmy O. Yang stars as Monkey, the brash young monkey who defies ...
Some animation fans are enjoying the independently-produced film, which celebrates Fujianese culture — but others can’t stop making meme videos poking fun at its shortcomings Shen Xiaoyang (left) and ...
Though the fourth season of Netflix’s live-action Witcher series still doesn’t have a concrete release date, Netflix has finally announced when we’ll see yet another animated take on Geralt of Rivia.