From a village boy to a high-speed train driver, Lu has witnessed the dramatic transformation of his hometown's ...
China on Tuesday unveiled an action plan to expand and improve senior-friendly tourism train services, in its latest bid to ...
TVB Jade 6:30pm news reporting on important local, cross-strait news from TVB City Kowloon, Hong Kong. News delivered via file transfer, in Cantonese with Chinese Subtitles.
TVB Jade 6:30pm news reporting on important local, cross-strait news from TVB City Kowloon, Hong Kong. News delivered via file transfer, in Cantonese with Chinese Subtitles.
中新社北京2月12日电 (记者 张晓曦 徐雪莹)2月12日正逢农历正月十五元宵节。国务院台办当日在北京举行例行新闻发布会,发言人朱凤莲特别送上节日祝福,并邀请两岸记者在现场品尝元宵与汤圆。