To manage risks, businesses should assess the service providers carefully, perform due diligence, establish clear contractual agreements, and regularly monitor the cloud service arrangements to ensure ...
Designed to provide broad exposure to the Technology ETFs category of the market, the First Trust Cloud Computing ETF (SKYY) is a smart beta exchange traded fund launched on 05/27/2011.
Unremediated critical vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE), excessive AWS permissions, and unsecured public-facing cloud assets make up the toxic cloud trilogy.
Can Cloud Compliance be Truly Achieved in a Volatile Cybersecurity Landscape? The challenges around cyber security and cloud compliance continue to escalate. With the grave importance of data security ...
A relatively small addition to the v6.13 Linux kernel could trim data center costs by optimizing how data is delivered to an application based on network traffic conditions. Half of organizations ...
The objective is to eliminate as much risk as possible by using ... in both private and public cloud data centers. For most general-purpose computing use cases, the public cloud has proven to ...