Boston College has established the Global Observatory on Pollution and Health to track efforts to control pollution and prevent pollution-related diseases that account for an estimated 9 million ...
The Stephens observatory, located on the roof of Carnegie, houses a 12-inch Newtonian reflecting telescope, built by Roscoe G. Stephens of Kennebunk, Maine. Stephens gifted the telescope to the ...
Boston College has established the Global Observatory on Pollution and Health to track efforts to control pollution and prevent pollution-related diseases that account for an estimated 9 million ...
This rise just west of McCone Hall was the site of the Students' Observatory, built in 1885 to house a variety of astronomical instruments, including a 20" telescope. Two years later, the observatory ...
McKim Observatory still houses many of its original instruments, including a 9.53 inch Clark Refractor telescope, a meridian transit telescope, and a gravity driven chronograph. Missing from the early ...
She hadn't forgotten about astronomy, though. She volunteered at the Harvard College Observatory in 1895. Seven years later she was appointed to the permanent staff (at a salary of 30 cents an ...