From regrowing claws to giant spider crabs, discover cool crab facts! Smurfs trailer unveils Rihanna as Smurfette The best cities to live in Tennessee and raise a family These are the most ...
What is a hermit crab? There are over 800 species of hermit crabs worldwide, and almost all are ocean dwellers—though people are likely most familiar with the dozen semi-terrestrial species ...
What is a Japanese spider crab? They may look like something from a 1950s sci-fi film, but Japanese spider crabs are gentle giants. And giants they are. Of the 60,000 species of crustaceans on ...
In the neighboring Tomales Bay, the European green crab alone has caused a clam harvesting decline of up to 40%. On the East ...
The Yeti crab is a treasure trove of interesting adaptations and behaviors. Here are a few more mind-boggling facts to add to ...
It alters the crab’s behaviour so that it protects the sacculina and its eggs. As they watch the clip, students can take notes on the key facts about reproduction in crabs, and how hormones ...