Photos of the odd-looking, 180-foot ship escorted by a tugboat through the Puget Sound emerged on Reddit earlier this week with users on the “r/Navy” subreddit unable to identify the ...
The B-52, sporting the orange throwback paint scheme, has been spotted flying over Texas with two loads under the wing ...
DARPA Photo “What we’re trying to prove out here is the feasibility of completely ... comes equipped with four Adaptable Deck Launchers for a complement of 16 strike-length Mark 41 missile cells. “One ...
Lockheed Martin and the F-35 Pax River ITF completed an initial flight test integrating the AGM-158C LRASM onto the F-35B ...
From the very start, human habitation was completely off the table, meaning there are no crew quarters and no galleys aboard. That has given this vessel ...
A novel type of jet propulsion, a rotating detonation engine (RDE), has been successfully tested by Pratt & Whitney. The ...
Through the program, DARPA wants to understand whether it’s possible to develop a utility-scale quantum computing system — which means that its computational value is greater than its cost ...
Darren Cofer, a senior fellow at Collins Aerospace, demonstrates a cybersecurity tool developed as part of DARPA's High-Assurance Cyber Military Systems effort, or HACMS. (DARPA) Officials at the ...
U.S. defense contractor Lockheed Martin said on Tuesday it completed an initial flight test integrating a long-range ...
Pratt & Whitney is planning further development of rotating detonation engine (RDE) technology following “positive test ...