Dante wasn’t the first Christian author to write about the afterlife. His brilliant stroke was to represent that world like a natural one and to fill it with tangible, relatable things and people.
Dante's Divine Comedy reveals its 21st-century meanings to Katya Adler as she travels through the regions of the afterlife with three expert guides. With Michael Sheen as Dante.
Even if we haven't read Dante's "Inferno," a 14th-century classic ... Simply put, while the ancient Israelites believed in an afterlife, it wasn't a big priority for them, meaning there was ...
What’s the exhibition about? The Italian medieval author Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) is known for his fantastical reimagining of the worlds of the Christian afterlife, the Commedia (Divine Comedy).
He wants to inspire in students a love of Dante's great work and a desire to make Dante's journey through the afterlife a companion in their journeys through this life. He wants as well to introduce ...