Research from Umeå University paves the way for a quantitative data analysis method to study the cell division process in individual cells. The improved resolution will promote advanced cell ...
Agarwal, Chirag, Marinka Zitnik, and Himabindu Lakkaraju. "Probing GNN Explainers: A Rigorous Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of GNN Explanation Methods." Proceedings of the International ...
Benefit from a thorough training in advanced quantitative methods taught within an applied social science framework. Learn methods of data analysis, including advanced statistics for complex data.
The interview method involves a structured or semi-structured conversation between a researcher and a participant, aimed at collecting detailed information on a specific topic. More than just a casual ...
At the same time, the analysis is generating ever-increasing quantities of data. The researchers intend to apply machine learning methods to support the process of re-interpreting existing ...
Numerical models and satellite observation are fundamental to understanding environmental systems and change. The MSc in Environmental Modelling and Data Analysis will provide you with the skills to ...