Ganguly, popularly known as ‘Dada’ among the fans, also reminisced about his close friendship with former Odia star cricketers Debashish Mohanty and Shiv Sunder Das and expressed his love towards ...
Writers, researchers and poets said on Saturday that visual artist Debashish Chakrabarty portrayed bravery of people during the student-led mass uprising when the protesters were being killed by the ...
The National Pension System (NPS) introduced in 2004 for government employees has since been extended to others but adoption has been slower than desired, said Deepak Mohanty, chairperson of the ...
From humble beginnings to a successful business with an annual turnover surpassing Rs 25 crore, the success story of Momo food chain Momomia's founder Debashish Majumdar highlights the never-give ...