Why are we even debating the priority of a human life, over that of an animal - a shark, a crocodile, a dingo, or even a ...
These cases frequently affect areas of high biodiversity and areas of cultural significance as firewood thieves target large old dead standing trees that often provide wildlife habitat. We know ...
Welcome to animals that start with D. We compiled a list of these animals that are found around the world – even close to you! So let’s get going and have a look at the animals that start with D list, ...
A two-year-old girl has been savaged by a dingo in the third reported attack in as many days at a tourist hotspot in Australia. The youngster was rushed to hospital with wounds to her leg after ...
Two children have been bitten by dingoes in separate incidents at Lake McKenzie (Boorangoora), a freshwater swimming area on K'gari, since Thursday. Two other people were attacked by dingoes a ...
A child has been bitten by a dingo near the Kingfisher Bay Resort, with the parents reporting that even though they picked the three-year-old up and tried to scare the dingo off, it was not deterred.
A three-year-old has been bitten on the back of the leg by a dingo on K'gari (Fraser Island). The parents picked up the child and nearby boat users tried to fend it off with a kayak paddle.
A young child has been attacked by a dingo on K'gari island off the Queensland coast. The three-year-old was bitten on the back of the leg while walking along the beach near Kingfisher Bay on ...
What did we find? Foxes and dingoes accounted for just 12% of the baits dug up or eaten. Of the 146 interactions with baits, 88% were non-target species – primarily, native mice species such as ...
More herbivores can mean more damage to crops and native vegetation. In many parts of Australia, dingoes, foxes and – to a lesser degree – feral cats are routinely poisoned with 1080 (sodium ...