An Abilene family is mourning the loss of their beloved 14-year-old Jack Russell named Reecey. Their dog was put down after ...
Toothbrushing is the best method to take care of your dog's teeth, but here are 13 other effective ways to get the job done, ...
A dog lover who spent £12,000 turning himself into a border collie has opened a specialised zoo where others can also become ...
Six-year-old Pitbull mix Chiquita quickly picked up an impressive skill that has become part of her everyday life.
With social media aging, so are the dogs that have for years filled our Instagram feeds with cheer. And when they die, the ...
Everyone loves getting kisses from a dog, but how healthy is it? Could certain diseases be transferred from a dog’s mouth to ...
You know that feeling — one minute you’re hot, the next freezing. Nothing stays down, and all you do is lay on the couch, hoping ...
There is a distinctive and easily recognized open-mouth expression that is the canine equivalent of a human smile, ...
Kaja Sonik Zon, 32, told Newsweek that her beloved dog Macho would have wanted for her to find happiness again.
The Dublin Fire Brigade in Ireland has been praised online for rescuing a cat, Biscuit, from the city’s suburb of Ballyfermot ...
Canine Officer Tildy was wished her farewells on Tuesday, Feb. 4, at her retirement celebration at the Wilbur Cross Building.