I am a plant community ecologist working at the interface of ecosystem, landscape and population biology. My goal is to apply cutting-edge “usable” science to the challenges of restoration, species ...
The work of ecologists is extremely important. Anything that involves whole organisms and the living and non-living things around them involves ecology. Whether they investigate urban, suburban, rural ...
The University of Wyoming's ecology graduate program provides students with advanced, integrated training in the science of ecology. The Program in Ecology and Evolution (PiEE) is an interdisciplinary ...
The doctoral (PhD) degree program in Ecology, Evolution and Earth Systems (EEES) at Drexel University is a multidisciplinary program that emphasizes collaboration with other departments at the ...
Ecology is the study of interactions between organisms and their environment. Biodiversity and ecosystem services are essential for the well-being of humans, living, and nonliving organisms. The study ...
Aberystwyth University commits to cutting fossil fuel and mining companies out of careers and recruitment activities. The latest edition of Resurgence & Ecologist is out now, and available to buy.
Ecologists at the School of Biological Sciences of The University of Hong Kong (HKU) have made valuable discoveries that could transform the conservation of two iconic cockatoo species ...
They will share their journey in ecology, their research and achievements. Bring your favorite beverage and join this amazing conversation. The invited speakers include: * Dr. Dennis Ojima, Professor, ...