The first-ever published research out of Tinshemet Cave indicates the two human species regularly interacted and shared ...
Descriptive analyses of PCA and ADMIXTURE were first used to provide an overview of the genetic structure. All modern Tibetans and Neolithic-to-historic East Asians were grouped in the East-Asian ...
Eurasian watermilfoil is a prohibited invasive species. It is illegal to possess, import, purchase, transport, or introduce these species (including hybrids or cultivars) except under a permit or ...
Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation PLC is a diversified natural resources company. The Company operates in six segments: Ferroalloys comprises the extraction and sale of chrome ore, and ...
The origin of the Huns in fourth-century Europe has long been debated, but centuries-old DNA has revealed their diverse ...
This is a rigorous and critical analysis of the performance of a popular suite of methods for inferring population history, accompanied by improvements. Should be of broad interest to anyone ...
Manchu is the third-largest ethnic minority in China and has the largest population size among the Tungusic-speaking groups. However, the genetic origin and admixture history of the Manchu people are ...
The Huns, the nomadic warriors who devastated the Western Roman Empire, have long been a source of fascination and mystery ...
作为史前至历史时期连接南亚、西伯利亚及欧亚大陆东西部的枢纽区域,中亚具有独特的地理和文化重要性,更是古代丝绸之路的重要通道。历史上,中亚是不同文化和遗传背景人群迁徙和定居的地区,这些迁徙和混合不仅塑造了该地区独特的遗传结构,也深刻影响了其文化和社会结构。然而,过去的多项人类基因组和泛基因组项目中,中 ...
Carcasses left by lynx provide food for other species and help fertilise the soil as they decay. From Britain through Siberia and into Mongolia, India and northern Iran, the Eurasian lynx territory ...