A young woman’s life was tragically cut short in Fasano, Italy, when a seemingly ordinary elevator ride turned fatal. Clelia Ditano, 25, plunged four stories down an elevator shaft after the doors ...
A routine call for a Pottstown firefighter turned into a scary situation when he fell down an elevator shaft. Brad Fry was rushed to the emergency room at Reading Hospital after falling nearly 20 ...
A 29-year-old man fell down the elevator shaft for two floors. According to an initial reconstruction, he seems to have opened the elevator door on the ground floor at the Parioli clinic, but the ...
A shocking accident sent the infant and her mother plunging eight stories down an elevator shaft Thursday morning atop a car under repairs — but without any posted warning signs, residents said.
The three occupants were stuck near the sixth floor after stopping in a “blind shaft” that didn’t have a door out, rescuers said. The closest rescue point turned out to be on the 21st floor, so ...
Firefighters rappelled hundreds of feet down an elevator shaft at a high-rise apartment to help people stuck in an elevator. Seattle Fire Department Three people stuck in an elevator were hundreds ...