Now the young king must navigate the palace politics ... the aging alcoholic knight, John Falstaff (Joel Edgerton).
Meanwhile the future King Henry V, King Bolingbroke's son, Hal, frequents taverns with lowly commoners including Sir John Falstaff. Making amends with his father, Hal rallies ordinary English ...
When King Henry IV ascends to the throne, his heir, the Prince of Wales, is befriended by Sir John Falstaff, an old, overweight, fun-loving habitual liar. Through Falstaff's eyes we see the reign ...
However, the old king is convinced by Hal that is not the case and Bolingbroke passes away at ease. Learning that Hal has been crowned, Falstaff returns to London expecting to be showered with riches.
When King Richard II is dethroned and King Henry IV ascends to the throne, his heir, the Prince of Wales, is befriended by Sir John Falstaff, an old, overweight, fun-loving habitual liar.
Sblood, you starveling, you elf-skin, you dried neat’s tongue, you bull’s pizzle, you stock-fish!” This is Sir John Falstaff, in Shakepeare’s “Henry IV, part I,” mincing no words as he berates young ...