A serval was removed from a home and is receiving medical treatment. The cat's ownership will be determined in court.
An African serval taken from a kennel in a Houston garage by Harris County Constable Precinct 1. Harris County Constable Precinct 1 Facebook Page Texas police and wildlife agencies are ...
Texas police and wildlife agencies are investigating how a serval, a wild cat species native to Africa, ended up in a Houston garage with a cone around its neck. An anonymous tip led authorities ...
Composers who are female are not rare. They are just too rarely performed, even today. For every one of the 22 composers below, we’ve had to leave out at least five others who deserve to be here ...
Here we present the best female drummers of all time. Female drummers have been around since at least the 19th century. Consider the English folk ballad “Female Drummer” (covered by Steeleye ...
The Harris County Precinct One Constable's Office released photos of the rescued serval, which is a wild cat native to Africa, from the garage of a home on W. Tidwell Road. Animal cruelty ...
Sweet tale celebrates friends, family, positive messages.