在软件开发界,命令行Shell的重要性毋庸置疑。前不久,Fish Shell 4.0 的正式发布引起了技术圈的广泛关注,这一版本的最大变化便是其核心部分的重写,依赖Rust替代了传统的C++编码。这不仅仅是一次代码的迁移,更体现了技术革新与用户体验的深度融合。随着新一代编程语言的崛起,Rust的应用代表着一种未来趋势,能够为开发者提供更高的安全性和性能优势。 Fish Shell作为一款面向开发者 ...
Corrigendum to "PmKuSPI is regulated by pmo-miR-bantam and contributes to hemocyte homeostasis and viral propagation in shrimp" [Fish Shellfish Immunol. 137 (2023) 108738].
fish 4.0 has been released and brings with it a long list of changes and revisions. The new version of the "friendly and interactive shell" (fish for short) includes both technical adjustments ...
"Shellfish reef decline was also influenced ... marine park and the Commonwealth South West Marine Park Network. "Fish communities are critical indicators of ecosystem health, and comprehensive ...