The National Transportation Safety Board has released its final report on a deadly 2023 train derailment north of Pueblo. Here's what it concluded.
A landlord's dangerous attempt to lock out a non-paying tenant by welding a gate without safety equipment has sparked concern ...
The deadly derailment of a Burlington National Santa Fe Railway train north of Pueblo in October 2023 was most likely caused by a broken rail, which likely occurred due to a welder not following ...
Police are looking for a man who pointed a gun at a restaurant employee in Whitehaven. On Mar. 10, at 8:15 p.m., officers ...
Welding and Wine. It doesn't seem like they go together, but it's Florida. So, anything goes, especially during Women In Construction Week. FOX 35's Caroline Coles joins us live from Gem industries in ...
The man who allegedly threw a dog off a bridge to its death last month is being held on a $100,000 bond. Christopher Triplett ...
Welding is a popular and high-paying career in Pennsylvania, and it’s wide-ranging. “We have companies in the area that manufacture homes that have steel as part of them that they can weld on.
Among other firsts, the company has integrated a new lightweight, high-strength welding process that will benefit every car made here. New car carriers shuttle the vehicle bodies from station to ...
"BNSF welding procedures allow for the joining of ... does not create a gap at the base of the rail that can allow weld flash to pool under the rail." The welder, who has not been identified ...