If you're receiving payments on platforms like Venmo or PayPal, you'll likely get 1099-Ks at tax time. What are they and what ...
A payment app or online marketplace is required to send you a Form 1099-K if the payments you received for goods or services ...
Why you might receive a 1099-K for the first time. A 1099-K form is a relatively new IRS income tax form that freelancers and ...
Don't panic. Here's what you need to know about this tax from. The IRS said the 1099-K form is a report of payments you received for goods or services during the year if you made any money or ...
There's no doubt that payment apps like Venmo are a convenient way to send and receive payments, but many don't know that ...
People are reporting they've received a surprise tax form falsely claiming they've made money on a payment app they never ...
If you use payment apps like Venmo, Cash App or PayPal for more than just splitting a bill, there could be some important ...
This year, some gig workers, freelancers and small business owners received an unfamiliar IRS tax form: a 1099-K. If you're one of them, how you report this form on your tax return could ...
If you sell goods or services or rent property, and get paid through Venmo, PayPal, Cash App or another payment app, you may have been surprised by a Form 1099-K this year. Here’s why you might ...