Differential diagnosis of pain in the face as the presenting complaint can be difficult. We propose an approach based on history and neurological examination, which allows a working diagnosis to be ...
Six patients who presented with acute sensory neuropathy were studied. All patients underwent detailed clinical assessment along with electrophysiological tests and relevant laboratory investigations.
aDepartment of Medicine, Hospital de Apoyo Chepén, Chepén, Peru bDepartment of Family Medicine, Hospital de Apoyo Chepén, Chepén, Peru cDepartment of Internal Medicine, Hospital de Apoyo Chepén, ...
People rely on speech for communication, both in a personal and professional context, and often under different conditions of physical, cognitive and/or emotional load. Since vocalization is entirely ...
For more details, refer to the thorough review article by Hladky and Barrand (2018). It has been known for a long time that CSF drains via the perineural spaces of the cranial nerves, especially CNI ...
"A vitamin B12 deficiency can damage your nervous system so it's important to treat a deficiency as soon as possible in one is suspected." Data released at the end of 2023 shows admissions for vitamin ...
GBS is a nerve disease that affects senses, movements, breathing, and heartbeat in humans. The condition, in which the body’s immune system attacks nerves, can cause paralysis and even death.