The article emphasizes the importance of lifestyle modifications to prevent stroke and heart disease. It recommends regular ...
With Valentine’s Day falling in February, it’s fitting that this month is recognized as American Heart Month. Heart disease ...
Dr. Shyam Bhakta local cardiologist with Insight Hospital & Medical Center shares lifestyle tips for a healthy heart ...
By making small but meaningful changes to your daily routine, you can significantly reduce inflammation and improve your ...
A scientist who studies aging shared four lifestyle choices that research suggests could help you live longer.
Dr Saurabh Sethi suggests including kiwi, pineapple, avocado, garlic, and asparagus in the daily diet to improve gut health.
Christine is an independent stylist and widely-followed lifestyle blogger and spokesperson at This is where she provides readers with current fashion, beauty, and fitness inspiration ...
Antioxidants play a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being. These powerful compounds help protect the body ...
February marks National Cancer Prevention Month, a dedicated period for raising awareness about proactive measures to reduce cancer risk. With nearly 40% of cancer cases and 44% of cancer-related ...
Wiggle your toes to boost circulation. Take a cold shower — just 30 seconds under the frigid water may boost your energy.
This segment is sponsored by Oklahoma State Department of Health.The flu has hit Oklahoma hard this year.Today on Living Oklahoma, Matt spoke with Mike Mannel ...
Discover why mental health care should start from birth and get expert tips on supporting children through different life ...