Hero Xoom 160 Price starts at Rs. 1.48 Lakh which is Rs. 37,609 costlier than base model of Hero Electric Photon priced at Rs. 1.10 Lakh. In technical specifications, Hero Xoom 160 is powered by 156 ...
The Hero Xoom 160 features a large apron with a split headlight design, similar to what one would imagine a maxi scooter to look like. The floorboard is not like a traditional scooter but offers a mix ...
We compare the latest entrant from Hero, the Xoom 125 in terms of specifications with its chief rivals. Here, the Xoom 125 turns out to be the heaviest at 121kg. Irrespective of the variant ...
Hero Xoom 125 was launched at Auto Expo 2025, as a bigger sibling of the Xoom 110 and a competitor against the Suzuki Avenis 125. Over the last few years, demands and popularity for scooters with ...