After announcing a crackdown in September, Telegram now says it has removed 15.4 million groups and channels related to harmful content like fraud and terrorism in 2024, noting this effort was ...
Accurately predicting the weather is hard — really hard, but a new AI-powered forecast model just hit a milestone that has experts saying your forecast could soon get more accurate, and further ...
Setting it to 100 attempts to remove any reflections, showing only what's behind them, and setting it to -100 will try to show only the reflection. Of course, you can use the slider to keep a little ...
Something to look forward to: A recently released beta version of the Steam client introduced a new feature for managing game updates. Users can now postpone compulsory downloads, a long-awaited ...
Warris Bokhari founded Claimable to tackle insurance-claim denials using AI technology. Bokhari says denial is a major issue in the US healthcare system, causing fear about getting help.
ℹ️ Note: Metrics show the disruption and restoration of connectivity in Dagestan, #Russia, following what telecoms regulator Roskomnadzor has described as a trial of its capacity to disable ...
Sanjay More, 54, the BEST driver who has been booked for culpable homicide not amounting to murder by police for ramming into 22 vehicles MUMBAI: Sanjay More, 54, the Brihanmumbai Electricity ...
CUSTOMER engagement platform Chat-Genie has launched an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered multi-agent framework to help speed up tasks in traditional business process outsourcing (BPO) roles.