Learning how to paint a front door can dramatically improve your home's curb appeal with minimal effort and cost.
As with any paint job, this step is crucial to the project outcome. The better the prep, the better the final result. Pitrat recommends priming wood and fiberglass doors with an acrylic primer.
If you want a front door that will stand out from all the rest, you just need paint (well, two or three paint colors) to pull off this unique design.
If your hallways could use a little extra personality, a fresh coat of paint for your doors might be the answer. Here's the best way to handle this DIY project.
woman painting a wooden door in brown and blue - Ozgurcankaya/Getty Images ...
Wondering how to replace door and window hardware in your home? Generally, all you need is a screwdriver to change door hardware. Try this, too.
If you're hoping to upgrade your kitchen and give it a new look, try adding or revamping some wood paneled accents. Follow these simple tips on how to do so.
Liven up your sliding glass doors with these designer-approved ideas on curtains, blinds, and other creative sliding glass ...
Timeless and versatile, it’s hardly surprising that burgundy – that rich and deep reddish-brown hue with a touch of purple – ...