• 麦肯锡全球研究院(McKinsey Global Institute)的一份报告称,出生率下降已经令全球主要经济体面临“人口崩溃”。到2100年,一些国家的人口可能会减少20%至50%。 别管财政赤字了。根据麦肯锡全球研究院近日发布的一项研究,随着出生率降低,世界上许多地区正面临“青年赤字”,这使得主要经济体即将遭遇人口大幅下降。
Shanghai's financial hub of Pudong is making a major push to boost tourism and consumption, with a 120 million yuan (US$16.6 ...
Ahmed mohamed Saleh eats dumplings to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year at Tianjin Foreign Studies University in north ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient world slept only 6.5 hours a night.
Editor's note: Chinese game enterprises, continuing to improve their core competitiveness, are going overseas at a faster pace, with overseas revenue of China's self-developed games increasing ...
引言我们生命的起点,始于精子与卵子结合形成受精卵(zygote),随后在短短几天内经历一系列精密调控的分裂与分化,最终发展成具有多种细胞类型的囊胚(blastocyst),为胚胎成功植入子宫做好准备。然而,即便在最理想的生殖条件下,仍有大量受精卵无法 ...
海博思创成立于2011年, 是中国领先的电化学储能系统解决方案与技术服务提供商,为全球客户提供全系列储能系统产品及一站式整体解决方案。
Investments in leasing, business services, manufacturing, and wholesale and retail sectors drove the growth. The turnover of China's foreign contracted projects totaled US$165.97 billion in 2024, an ...
通过跨物种比较,研究团队发现人类和小鼠的蛋白质动态差异主要集中在合子基因组激活前后(pre-ZGA和ZGA)。这一发现为理解物种间合子基因组差异性调控提供了蛋白质组层面的基础。与清华大学颉伟团队及合作者绘制的翻译组图谱联合分析后,研究表明,相较于翻译 ...
Since the first day of the Spring Festival travel rush, Xi'an's port has welcomed more than 3,100 inbound foreign visitors, ...