Touchscreens are great when you need them, but if it's misbehaving or simply annoying, it's time to go old school.
Google will phase out Chrome Sync for browser versions older than 4 years (pre-2021) in 2025. A modern, automatic sync model ...
WHEN most people hear Android they may think of Samsung or Google. But there are so many more brands around that are creating ...
摘要:谷歌浏览器Chrome Stable 稳定版迎来例行升级,新版本号为v44.0.2403.89,本次更新了稳定性改进及Bug修复!Google Chrome,又称Google浏览器,是个由Google(谷歌)公司开发的网页浏览器。该浏览器是基于其他开源软件所撰写,包括WebKit,目标是提升稳定性、速度和安全性,并创造出简单且有效率的界面。 64位Chrome能更好地利用当今的硬件,并且对速 ...
After Microsoft Edge, Chrome tests a Split Tabs feature which will reduce the need to spawn a new tabs and snap it to the ...
谷歌近期在教育领域和无障碍技术方面取得了显著进展,宣布了一系列针对ChromeOS的新特性。其中,最为引人注目的创新是用户能够通过头部动作和面部表情来控制电脑,这一功能尤其针对有运动障碍的用户群体。据悉,该功能早在去年12月初就已初露端倪,现在正逐步 ...
If you want to breathe life back into a slow or aging computer, Linux Lite 7.0 is a lightweight (and easy to install) ...
Windows 10 ends support in 2025, but if you're not ready to part ways with it just yet, there are some tricks to change ...
Google's Chrome is the most popular web browser today. Here's what to do if you can't update to the latest version.
Chromebooks have been a bit hit and miss over the years, with some really good and some — frankly — disastrous experiences ...
While an official announcement is still pending, Linux Mint 22.1, codenamed Xia, has been released. The new Mint's ISO images ...
The 516 GE Chromebook Plus is marketed heavily as a gamer-focused device. Google sent it to me, a writer at Kotaku, because ...