In a seven-month operation spanning 21 nations, Pakistani intelligence dismantled an Isis-K cell tied to bombings in Kabul, ...
涉嫌策划2021年阿富汗喀布尔机场爆炸案及2024年,俄罗斯番红花城市大厅145死恐攻的伊斯兰国「呼罗珊分支」(ISIS-K)员沙里富拉(Mohammad ...
美国司法部星期三 (3月5日)在弗吉尼亚州的一家联邦法院出庭指控据称是2021年8月爆炸案的主谋。该起爆炸案造成13名驻阿富汗美军死亡。 司法部表示,伊斯兰国-呼罗珊 (ISIS-K)特工穆罕默德·沙里弗拉 (Mohammad Sharifullah ...
涉嫌策划2021年阿富汗喀布尔机场爆炸案及2024年,俄罗斯番红花城市大厅145死恐攻的 ISIS-K成员夏里富拉(Mohammad Sharifullah),近日在美国首次出庭,美国法院已下令羁押,等待进一步审理。美国司法部指控他为恐怖 ...
Since President Donald Trump announced on Tuesday the surprise arrest of a man accused of taking part in the killing of 13 ...
In a speech to Congress, President Donald Trump announced the apprehension of the person he said was the “top terrorist” ...
Sharifullah is expected to appear in the Eastern District of Virginia later today, and, if convicted, faces a maximum penalty ...
The captured terrorist extradited to the U.S. has confessed to a key facilitation role in the deadly Abbey Gate bombing of ...
Abu Khadijah was the second-in-command of ISIS’s global operations and in charge of the terror group’s finances.
Trump said a member of ISIS-K was charged in the Afghanistan bombing that killed 13 US troops in 2021. Mohammad Sharifullah was detained Wednesday.
Father of fallen Marine Jared Schmitz, who was killed at Abbey Gate by an ISIS-K bomber, was "disturbed" when Democrats ...
An ISIS-K member arrested following the 2021 Abbey Gate bombing in Afghanistan confessed to scouting the attack route, the Justice Department said.