他在吉隆坡国际机场第一航站楼(KLIA T1)为大马边境管制及保护机构(AKPS)推介礼发表欢迎词时表示,My Border Pass使得人们的通关时间缩短至3至4秒,提高出入境效率。
"It's all very modern, very futuristic." During the Spring Festival travel season, international travelers taking the China-Laos cross-border train have been impressed by its convenience and comfort. ...
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said on Friday that the Air Force (IAF) struck overnight multiple Hezbollah military targets ...
本文仍是收费长文蛇年将至,细说“蛇牌撸子”——德国绍尔M1913手枪以及它的后代的配套免费阅读内容,介绍绍尔蛇牌撸子的周边知识,强烈建议读者们读一读收费长文。今天是初五,开工大吉,蛇牌撸子瞅一瞅,蛇年能买一栋楼。今天要介绍的还是一把外国枪支爱好者收藏 ...
According to the border inspection authorities in Zhuhai, more than 454,000 passenger trips and over 69,000 vehicle trips were recorded through the bridge's Zhuhai port from Tuesday to Friday, the ...
China's services import and export value amounted to a record-high of 7.5 trillion yuan (about 1.05 trillion U.S. dollars) in ...
中国和印度的最高层外交官员周一(1月27日)呼吁两国进一步改善关系,提供相互支持,但没有公开提及两国在喜马拉雅山边境地区长期存在的边界争端。 据中国外交部网站消息,中国外长王毅周一在北京会见印度外交秘书、前驻华大使维克拉姆·米斯里(Vikram Misri,唐勇胜)时称,双方要抓住机遇,相向而行,探讨采取更多实质性举措,致力于相互理解,相互支持,相互成就,而不是相互猜忌,相互疏离,相互消耗。王毅表 ...
Haparanda police officer Hannah Wester makes a macabre discovery when a dead wolf is found with human remains in its stomach.
Haparanda police officer Hannah Wester makes a macabre discovery when a dead wolf is found with human remains in its stomach.
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient world slept only 6.5 hours a night.
韩国有关部门周一对釜山航空(Air Busan)一架飞机起火事件展开联合调查。一周前,这架飞机在韩国一座机场起飞前不久起火,导致乘客紧急逃生。 韩国国土交通部和负责民用航空事故技术调查的法国民航安全调查分析局等机构正在首尔东南323公里处的釜山金海国际机场进行联合调查。