Jaguars are majestic animals that have captivated people for centuries. But these big cats are facing huge challenges in a ...
While there have been occasional sightings of jaguars in the United States since then, today there’s only one known jaguar living north of Mexico. And, over the past several decades, only males have ...
THREATS: Habitat loss, hunting, and the federal predator-control program all continue to take their toll on jaguar populations. Deforestation is a major threat to jaguars in Central and South America, ...
Conservationists first spotted a young male jaguar in 2022 roaming Argentina’s Formosa Nature Reserve. Camera traps later ...
While the animals were sedated, health checks were conducted and blood samples taken, to better understand the genetic make-up of this population. In addition, WWF camera trap imagery identified a ...
Jaguars are currently Near Threatened. However, with its forest home increasingly being destroyed, and conflict growing with farmers and ranchers, the remaining jaguar population is declining under ...
If the wall is built,’ he says, ‘it will destroy the jaguar population in the United States.’ Jaguars are mainly found in South America but historically also roamed the southwest of the United States.
If the wall is built,’ he says, ‘it will destroy the jaguar population in the United States.’ Jaguars are mainly found in South America but historically also roamed the southwest of the United States.