The Story. Jonah the prophet lived in the desert, daily companioned by such birds and beasts as lions, mice, gazelles and ravens, lying down at night with the gentle foxes of Tob. At length ...
True, he wasn’t swallowed — the whale spit him back out a few seconds later — but it’s still pretty close to the story from the book of Jonah. The man in question, Adrián Simancas ...
Now, he’s written a children’s book about the bond between he and his kitty, Jonah. The book is titled, “Jonah the Cat and His Stinky Cat Feet,” and is available anywhere books are found.
Jonah Winter, illus. by Marjorie Priceman. S&S/Atheneum, $16.99 (40p) ISBN 978-1-4169-6123-9 The life of entertainer Josephine Baker isn’t an easy one to translate to the picture book form ...
BOSTON (JTA) — Challah-eating Australian kangaroos, an adventurous cartoon retelling of the biblical story of Jonah and the welcome second-in-a-series chapter book about a young girl with a ...
RELUCTANT PROPHET—Harald Tandrup —Knopf ($2.50). Until he was 32, little doe-eyed Jonah, the Tyre cakeseller, merely talked with the Lord for his own personal pleasure. But when he was ordered ...