近日,铃木以超高人气的游戏《街头霸王6》为灵感,正式发布了全新GSX-8RTuned by JURI摩托车。这款与游戏联名的摩托车不仅在外观上大放异彩,也展现了铃木在技术上的一流实力。 GSX-8R的涂装采用了紫色蜘蛛元素,令人印象深刻。黑色和紫色的基调相得益彰,展现出一股强烈的街头风格。而车身的“Juri”标志则给予了这款摩托车独特的个性化,离合盖上还巧妙地融入了中国传统文化的黑白八卦,体现了融 ...
Nexus上找到了一款JURI的MOD: 一双 JORDAN 1 RETRO HIGH OG GS 'CHICAGO' 2015,作者ID:Ercuallo.配色呼应了朱莉服饰的配色做了相应的调整,不得不说这款鞋的设计感与游戏氛围完美契合,尤其是与韩茱莉的默认皮肤搭配起来。 (文末有MOD原文件及一张4K自制壁纸的整合打包文件) 关于壁纸制作的基本思路: 我大概总结了一个制作流程,涉及打光、构图、 ...
铃木携手联名《街头霸王6》发布GSX-8R Tuned by JURI,街头霸王6韩蛛俐涂装。 采用了紫色蜘蛛元素,以黑色和紫色为基底的涂装。“Juri”的图标,离合盖上有中国元素黑白色的八卦。尾部整流罩手绘GSX-8R和前整流罩的“Juri”手写体印记呼应,此外前后制动卡钳和排气口采用淡蓝色涂装。 搭载776cc水冷四冲程并列双缸发动机,最大马力82.9匹,最大扭矩78N·m。 SDMS、牵引力 ...
Suzuki has taken to the video game scene with a new Street Fighter 6-themed GSX-8R for the Capcom Cup International ...
A Suzuki bike inspired by Juri in Street Fighter 6 will appear at Capcom Cup 11 and other motorcycle events in Japan.
Theoretical and computational astrophysics, including solar and stellar convection, magnetic dynamo action within stars, turbulence in many settings, and helioseismology. Central to this is ...
Juri Vips, a former Red Bull junior who was dropped from the program for using a racial slur while gaming, will join the ...
Comedian Jeong Juri revealed the reality of raising five siblings. On the 23rd, Jeong Juri posted on her personal SNS, saying, "The reason my son is tired," along with photos. The published photos ...