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Current local time in Khartoum (Africa/Khartoum timezone). Get information about the Africa/Khartoum time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is applicable) ...
Sudan's paramilitary shelled a market in Omdurman, part of greater Khartoum, killing an estimated 54 people on Saturday, a medical source told AFP in an updated toll. Requesting anonymity for ...
it is the country which has suffered the most coups in Africa since gaining independence (19). But what happened in 2023 rained destruction on Khartoum as the forces of the SAF and RSA attacked ...
President Trump’s order to halt most foreign aid has intensified humanitarian crises and raised questions about the United ...
Around 70 people were killed in an attack on the only functional hospital in the besieged city of El Fasher in Sudan, the ...
Artillery shelling and air strikes killed at least 56 people across greater Khartoum on Saturday, according to a medical source and Sudanese activists. Sudan's regular army and the paramilitary ...
Artillery shelling and air strikes killed at least 56 people across greater Khartoum on Saturday, according to a medical source and Sudanese activists. Sudan’s regular army and the paramilitary Rapid ...
Artillery shelling and air strikes killed at least 56 people across greater Khartoum on Saturday, according to a medical source and Sudanese activists. Sudan’s regular army and the paramilitary Rapid ...
Some 70 people have been killed in an attack on the only functional hospital in the besieged city of El Fasher in Sudan, the ...